Inspired by A Looming Political Earthquake by Mark Mills, published by City Journal
The earth is dying give us your money—TAXES. But where is your money going? Let’s find out today on Your Tax Dollars At Work!
Being a good citizen can be difficult. You have to know who you’re voting for and you have to know what they’re doing for you. In a world of unstable information we have to do our best to keep up. With the 46th presidency coming to a close, let’s take a look at one of the greatest concerns he preached on—climate change, or climate justice, or whatever the current term is. What did he do and how will the next guy carry on?
For decades the American government has been working to “combat climate change” to ensure a better future for its citizens. However, as we all should know the government doesn’t always have our best interests in mind. So let’s do our due diligence and check and balance what they’re up to as our forefathers intended.
What is it really?
Let’s look at the infamous 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, which was created with the intent to reduce the federal budget deficit. It’s labeled as basically an all purpose cleaner with the goals of reducing the federal budget, lowering prescription drug prices, funding infrastructure, and some other things that are supposed to save democracy.
Despite much speculation the supporters of this bill insisted it addresses many problems and will fix basically everything. However, President Biden praised the IRA calling it “the most significant climate change law ever.” He even elaborated on it saying quote “And by the way it is a 369 billion dollar bill. It’s called the-uh-w-w-w-we shoulda named it what it was. But anyway.” End quote.
Cat’s out of the bag. The priority of the IRA is to “promote” clean energy by enacting energy transitions—a cool way of saying decarbonization, which includes reaching net-zero, zero emissions, reducing private plane usage (politicians and celebrities exempted), banning gasoline cars, substituting beef with bug meat (not an exaggeration), giving you paper straws, flaky itchy clothes, and saving the world!
If you’re still on board with the government telling you what to sacrifice for the greater good of the “environment” then let’s continue down the rabbit hole because it gets weirder.
Where the money goes
First of all, the $369 billion that Biden mentioned isn’t the whole story. According to the findings of Mr. Mark Mills, over time the IRA could spend up to $3 trillion dollars just grants—and the mandates that come with it could induce another $3 trillion.
Alright. Hundreds of billions, a trillion—who can even tell the difference? I don’t know how to budget government spending so maybe this is just how much these things cost. Well it’s more than the cost of Obamacare. It’s more than the $4 trillion the U.S. spent to fight World War II (adjusted for inflation). This is a lot of money and more importantly it’s a lot of YOUR money and YOUR money is being misused.
How it works (“works”) is the IRA has some tax money and they put that money into investments aligned with the energy transition goals the Biden administration likes. There’s an almost comedic amount of suspicious problems there, but we’ll address that another time.
Now the issue with how this whole scheme works is … it doesn’t. Did you forget the government lies about finance management? Or at BEST they’re just TERRIBLE at it. A 2024 report from the Government Accountability Office shows that more than $175 billion of federal spending were OVERPAYMENTS—like to deceased people and people who are no longer eligible for government programs. Another $44.6 billion were UNKNOWN payments—meaning, they don’t really know where those BILLIONS of dollars went.
A quick history lesson
And be wary lest ye forget the Solyndra incident. The sage philosopher Steve Martin once said, “The public has a short memory”—but I’m here to remind y’all that nonsensical financial travesties are nothing new to this administration. We had eight years of Obama, practically a copy and paste under Biden, and his Department of Energy funded Solyndra with hundreds of millions of dollars proclaiming this solar panel project would change America. Well it certainly set a precedent.
Solyndra—with government backing—raised over a billion dollars and the darn thing tanked. The government claimed there was a demand for these panels. But the government isn’t a real business. Apparently, they didn’t realize that China was selling solar panels for much cheaper—so no one bought the ridiculously expensive and inefficient American made ones. And this is how politicians, with no business background (unlike some other politicians), support American businesses.
So when it comes to this country-saving Inflation Reduction Act, are we just supposed to trust that the trillions of dollars—mostly handled by organizations that have NEVER handled this much money—is all being managed appropriately? In order to save the planet?
Trust me, I’m from the government
Remember this is all taxpayer money invested by the Biden administration. So is your money going to good use? Is it paying off for YOUR OWN benefit? It’s important that we know what’s going on because we’ve been told for years by the Biden administration that we need to invest in the planet because we humans are killing it. So they tax us and use our money—but a huge chunk is getting misplaced and lost. And what about the rest of the money?
Before we even get into the oughts and ought nots of the investments (and we will get into that) we need to check the efficacy of these investments because It’s. Not. Working. So we need to vote for what WILL work. We need to vote on what MATTERS.
Even though this malpractice of sorts gets almost zero press coverage, there are some journalists who refuse to allow the public to be victims of such negligence. One of these journalists is Mr. James Varney with RealClear Investigations. What he uncovered is a web of good intentions fraught mismanagement, misinformation, and mystery. We’re breaking this down in our next segment.
Video produced by 23 Martini Inc.